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What is pure tone Audiometery?

Pure tone audiometry evaluates the ability of a person to hear. In this post, we’ll discuss when and why you need to schedule an appointment with a specialist and ask for a hearing test.

Pure tone hearing tests are the best way to diagnose your ears.

Pure tone hearing tests use pure tones to measure a person’s ability to hear all frequencies in the audible field.

An audiometer is a device used to measure hearing. It is classified as a subjective pure tone Audiometery hearing test.

The audiometer records the data in the audiogram and determines whether your pure tone Audiometery hearing is impaired in terms of the transmission of sound in the mid-ear (conductive) or damaged in the inner-ear (sensory), helping the specialist to determine the best course of action for the problem.

What is a pure tone hearing test?

Threshold hearing tests: They measure an individual’s ability to hear sounds at a particular frequency or volume. In this case, headphones are used to measure the ‘auditory or hearing threshold’, which is determined by the last sound the patient hears and is therefore their minimum hearing level.

High-frequency (supraliminal) pure tone tests: They are used to assess the fatigue of the subject and disturbances or impairments above their hearing threshold. There are three main parameters used in this test: these hearing tests typically take place in a testing box or acoustic chamber. These are fitted with acoustic materials that absorb sound and help to reduce noise reflection and standing waves.

How is hearing loss or impairment classified in a pure tone hearing test?

Pure tone audiometry: Hearing thresholds are measured in decibels (dB) of hearing loss (HL) and compared to the average (0 dB). Hearing loss or impairment is classified as follows:

  • Normal hearing: threshold under 20 dB HL.
  • Slight hearing loss: 20 – 40 dB HL.
  • Moderate: 40 -70 dB HL.
  • Severe: 70 -90 dB HL.
  • Profound: 90 – 120 dB HL.
  • ophosis or anacusis (total deafness): in excess of 120 dB HL.

When Do I Need a Pure Tone Hearing Test?

If you experience any type of hearing loss, it’s important to see your doctor right away. We encourage you to get a full tone hearing test done at different times in your life.

Possible deafness: Hearing loss is a very common condition, so if you have any symptoms or problems with your hearing, it’s important to get it checked as soon as possible in order to avoid further damage and to find the right treatment plan for you.

Over-60s: Age-related Hearing Loss (Presbycusis) Presbycusis is a type of hearing loss that can occur at any age. If you are over 60, it is recommended to have a pure tone Audiometery hearing test every 3 years.

Certain high-risk diseases: Your hearing may be affected by certain illnesses like meningitis and depression and other serious conditions, and you should always have your hearing checked once you have recovered.

Annual health assessment: This check-up is optional for employees, and employers are required to provide it in the workplace. However, it can be helpful in identifying potential hearing problems.


What Is Pure-tone Audiometry? Hearing loss is a condition in which a person’s hearing is affected by a lack of response to different frequencies. In order to diagnose and treat hearing loss, it is important to measure the sensitivity of the individual’s ears to different frequencies. In a pure-tone audiometer, each ear is presented with a single-frequency sound at different intensities and a recording of the softest level of sound that the individual hears at each of the tested frequencies

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